Da Black X

You Play To Much Megaman Games When...

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I've found these on the Mobius Forum in a special thread of the 1000 reasons Y-P-T-M-M-W


- Whenever you need to get across a puddle, you try to get your dog to morph into a hoverjet

-  Whenever a bully gets in your way, you keep trying to charge up your fist to do more damage

-  You bring a thermos around every where you go so if your life runs low you can charge it up

-  You keep saying that everyone's last name is "Man"

-  People stay away from you because you’re known to pull down your pants and take out your "Z-saber"

-  You won't go climbing because you’re afraid of Rock Man

-  You keep opening and closing your refrigerator in hopes that Dr. Light might show up and give you an armor piece

-  One time you tried to blow up the stove hoping that Fire-man would be destroyed

-  You can't help but waste your entire life sitting in front of a computer screen reading and writing silly messages in Megaman Forums!!  

 - You can answer the exact weapon to use on every boss and say how much damage it does.

-  You've made up your own ideas for what weapons to use on what bosses and decided how much damage each does. 

-  Regular music sounds boring and only makes you think how much better MM music is.

- You can write an essay on whether Mega Man really would have fired at Wily in MM7, whether MM and MMX  are really the same character, and what Proto Man's correct name should be.

- You try to train your pets to be weapons or give you items.

-  You'll actually watch any episode of the MM cartoon, no matter how bad it is.

-  You've bought a game system specifically because it has a Mega Man game on it.

-  You've built Mega Man characters out of Lego's and reenacted game scenes.

-  You spend an entire day listening to MM Midis to decide which ones are really the best.

-  You legally change your name to something music-related. 

-  Watch the TV show for 7 years. Going onto 8.

-  Knowing how many games there is.

-  Having action figures and models displayed on a shelf in your room.

-  Having every episode taped of the show.

- . Always digging in people's yards and trying to find the remains or Dr.Light's lab to set free MegaMan X.

-  You always try to rebuild MegaMan when you loose your last life in the game.

-  You always wanted to be an astronaut so you can blast off into outer space to try to find Star Man

-  When one of your MegaMan games breaks you try to find Dr. Light so he can fix it.

-  Every thing you own has MegaMan on it.

-  You always go to the zoo and try to find Snake Man.

-  When you're at that zoo you go to the elephant's cage and attack the elephant because you think it's Flame Mammoth in disguise.

-  You try to attack that elephant with your X-Buster.

-  You have gone to every MM site on the web.

-  You remember the name and every thing that's on those web sites

- You think that the roboticizer is a good thing!

-  When surfing the web and hearing a MIDI from MM, you can recognize what game and level it was from. 

- You see a petite woman in a blue parka and have an impulse to shoot her because you think she's Iceman.

-  To start, you can actually hear a mp3 or midi and recognize it.... Well, most of the time

-  You see fire and try to put it out with Dive-Man's weapon

- . You put on a visor, red helmet, and yellow scarf and run around the neighborhood and scream, "I am Protoman!! Fear me!!

-  Someone hits you, so you point a flashlight at them and turn it on, saying, "Plasma Power!"

- . You tried to build a real-life version of Megaman with household items.

-  You actually did it.

-  You jumped up and tried to do a mid-air dash.

-  You actually pulled it off.

- You keep calling you friend Zero.

-  You picked up a stick and beat your mortal enemy with it screaming: "DIE DR. WILY!"

-  You scream in your mind "Guilty!" to at least 15 of these you've read.

-  You or one of your friends once started dancing like Data.

-  Your G/F broke up with you because you accidentally called her "Roll"

- You're straining your mind thinking of reasons. 

-  You always put on a jacket when you’re near a cow thinking it's Blizzard Buffalo.

-  You try to blow up a dumpster hoping to kill Junk-Man

-  You can hum every theme from the MM games.

-  When you see a beetle you run like heck thinking it's one of Gravity Beetle’s friends.

-  If' you find a yellow scarf on the floor you run around screaming "Proto-Man's dead!"

- . When you beat someone up, you put your hand on their forehead and expect to get a new weapon.

-  You don't feel stupid after doing the previous reason 

-  You fear anyone with long blonde hair.

-  You got an F on an essay because it was about "Why Zero could beat the tar out of Bass"

-  You always keep your bedroom door locked at night because otherwise the Robot Masters would get you. 

-  You get a red AIBO and a robotic cat that you paint green and call it Rush and Tango.

-  You try to ride the AIBO like a Rush jet and accidentally crush it.

-  You know every line in every Megaman Cartoon.

-  You did your last English class essay on Dr. Light.

-  You got a 100% on it.

-  You name your cat Tango, your dog Rush, and your bluebird Beat. 

- You try to ride your dog like Rush Cycle.

-  You teach your cat to curl into a ball and bounce around the room.

-  Your bird can fly you around, bring you items, and destroy your enemies.

-  You get a forge, and make an armor like your favorite person off of Megaman.

-  You wear it to school.

-  You threaten to shoot people with plasma power.

-  You can do a prefect Impression of Megaman.

-  When someone kicks your butt you say: "I'll get Zero on your butt next time!"

-  You've beaten MMX6 with only X (on areas where you can choose)

-  You throw Lego men at people saying, "Kill them my Servebots! Kill for Daddy!"

-  You actually killed somebody in the manner above.

-  You swear you see Servebots steal your things at night. 

-  You glue your dog on your back hoping that you´ll be able to fly

-  You try to wall jump but fails and gets hurt

-  You try it again (and again and again, and so on)

-  You painted your bike helmet like X's and wired it to map out your neighbor hood in green blocks above your head.

-  You know what the hell I'm talking about.

-  You have an idea for the reason below. 

-  You build a castle in shape of a skull

-  You actually live in it

-  You Delete your whole hard drive and fill it with Megaman pictures.

-  You have made all the pictures yourself, and they look good

-  You mailbomb Nintendo for not giving you the original tapes with the Megaman series

-  You´ve renamed everyone on your icq list (or whatever u use) to megaman characters, bosses etc.

When you play Capcon Vs Marvel you always pick Servebot and Megaman on your team.

You put a magnet on your head and claim that your magnet man

You throw magnets at people

You’ve changed your first name to Mega and your last name to Man

You see a spot in the roof that looks week and you try to break it by jumping up in it

You’re so desperate to see a Megaman movie that you’d even accept Disney to do it

You’re remaking the 8-bit games into 16-bit on the computer and hope that Capcon or Nintendo will make them into snes

You call say all the Robot Masters, Maverick’s, and enemies from memory.

You have a blue prints in your room for all of X's armors.

You've actualy built some of them

You wear them to school

You're saving every single One of these reasons on a notepad incase this list is deleted.

You've lost countless hours of sleep thinking of reasons.

You memorized the entire script to MMX6.

You've memorized the name of every chip on Mega Man Battle Network.

You even know all the letters that a certain chip comes in.

You collected every chip and every letter that chip comes in.

You've started a Megaman cult

You started mixing characters and created a Megachu

Everytime you see a old man in a machine you start throwing stones at him

You´ve made a special edition of your comp., which looks like megaman

You´ve made a special edition of your screen, which looks like megamans helmet 

You just sit all days listening to megaman music (doing NOTHING else)

When u hear a megaman song, you can tell which game and which robot master, or that, it´s from

You know exactly how far you would have gotten on that stage when u hear a megaman song.

In your whole house there is only paintings of megaman on the walls.

You keep dancing data´s dance (from legends if you aren´t that big a fan to know that : P ) 

You don't trust any mechanics.

You went to a party and did Data's dance.

You didn't feel stupid after doing it.

Somebody actually thought the dance was cool

You beat all who said you were dumb after doing data's dance with your Z-saber.

The only post icons you use on a forum are the MegaMan ones.

You want to see the Japanese Rockman cartoon based on MMBN.

You waste night and day during your spring break playing ALL the games over and over again.

You have sent 22 letters to Capcom waiting for them to approve of your desire for a Megaman X anime on TV that   actually goes along with the series.

You check the list hourly to see if it's been updated.

When you made the MM patch you sold it to other people who have an obsession with MM.

You then used the money to buy MM merchendise.

You made a desktop theme revolving around MM.

You tried to make and online MM game for people to play.

You actually succeeded.

It was a hit.

You woke up afterwards.

You broke several appliances by slamming your head into them trying to "jack in."

You are afraid to travel to far away from your home page on the internet because you might get lost in the maze.

You think viruses are all over the internet waiting to attack. 

You break out humming random themes from variuous MM titles at work/school

You're not embarassed afterwards.

You've translated zenny to a bunch of different language and found some related words.

You actually understood what I've just said.  

You have every single mm game on computer,

You painted your dog red and named it rush

You stick your tongue in a socket hoping sparkman will come out and fight you

You think Dr. wily and Dr. Light are acually Santa Claus and Albert Einstein

You go to a nuclear waste facility and try to find Toxic Seahorse

You think the only future based game should be MM

You club all who think otherwise

You got shocked and then swore you saw elecman

You saw other robot masters later

You obliterated malfunctionning devices by try to "jack-in" and fix the error.

You just beat the origional MegaMan for N.E.S. for the 548th time. (I hope to crack 550 by tomorrow morning.) 

You know how to do every pose that megaman does after reciving a new weapon

You kill, for exampel, a snake, do the mm3 pose, and then really, seriously, thinks that you´ve got snakemans attack

You haven't got any friends because you´re only sitting inside playing megaman, and if they interupt, you threaten to kill    them

At grade school, you got really bad grades cuz all you were doing was drawing pictures of megaman in your exercise books

You're so freeked up by megaman that everytime u see something blue, you run towards to check if it's megaman

In your mind, u really see megaman standing there

You've memoriced every sentence in every megaman game, including X, normal serie, EXE, legends, zero, etc. etc. (yes, soccer too ^^)

You keep making special requests when ordering food that they have to look like megaman.

You've been put in health care, because you throw siccors at your fellow workers/school mates (or whatever)

You´ve played the megaman games so many times that you´ve fallen in love with megaman O_o

You´ve made loads of megaman hentai pictures o_O 

You've ported all the Megaman games into 1 Game Boy Advance cartridge.

You got Capcom to release it.

You beat it 100 times already.

You remade Mega Man X6.

You made it better.

You managed to make all of the Mega Man games better.

You forced your Dad to change his name to Hikari and become a doctor.

You changed your name to Netto.

You made a PET device.